Packaging waste: business leads the way

Although Europe has its fair share of blame to take for global concern around packaging waste, there’s no doubt the…

More Americans leave Thanksgiving cooking to restaurants

Many people see Thanksgiving as one of the most important holidays of the year – it is also one where…

US foodservice equipment market forecast to grow 4.1%

Releasing its 2015 Commercial Foodservice Market Forecast - a member-sourced report compiling intelligence from the leading sales and marketing agencies…

Burger King in talks to buy Tim Hortons

Yet, while both companies insist the move is about the brands’ continued expansion, it is widely considered to be the…

Brand USA: Boost for the nation's first national marketing campaign

The US Congress could be headed toward a rare agreement around travel and tourism legislation that would have a strong…

Toxic diets – How the diet industry is damaging America

Healthy eating is something which both worries and confuses Americans. In a food health survey conducted by the International Food…