FCSI Sustainability Statement

Climate change affects every person on this planet – as humans we’re all connected on so many levels, it’s our responsibility to acknowledge that we’re in this together and we must transform our systems, research and thinking for the Good of all.  FCSI’s position as a Society is based on the premise of share, support and inspire, we all live and work in an evolving foodservice industry; therefore, to share and support the wellbeing of the planet is naturally part of our individual and corporate responsibility.

FCSI is committed to a sustainable future for our planet and to continually improving the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of the business, social and neighbourhood communities we engage with.   As a professional Society we’re dedicated to the environmental improvements that foster a sustainable future and leads to economic and social improvements in the communities that we do business.

We must inform our clients of the many benefits of new technology and digital advancements, thereby maximising the benefits of operational efficiencies and our planet’s wellbeing.  FCSI members must respect government agencies and global leaders in their request for responsible business conduct at local, national and international levels. One world leading organisation is the OECD which has produced the DUE DILIGENCE GUIDANCE FOR RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS CONDUCT – see link: http://mneguidelines.oecd.org/due-diligence-guidance-for-responsible-business-conduct.htm).  In Summary,

This Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct (Guidance) is based on the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (OECD Guidelines for MNEs). The OECD Guidelines for MNEs are non-binding recommendations addressed to multinational enterprises by governments on responsible business conduct (RBC). They acknowledge and encourage the positive contributions that business can make to economic, environmental and social progress, and also recognise that business activities can result in adverse impacts related to workers, human rights, the environment, bribery, consumers and corporate governance. The OECD Guidelines for MNEs therefore recommend that businesses carry out risk-based due diligence to avoid and address such adverse impacts associated with their operations, their supply chains and other business relationships.

It is not only world-leading environmental protection agencies that are spearheading change for good for our planet, but pro-active industry leaders:

“Business as usual is over. We all have to change”

Andrew Forrest, founder of Fortescue Future Industries – International Business Leader

“When people talk about electrification, it really is the tip of the iceberg.” Jim Rowan, CEO of Volvo and former CEO of Dyson

Why FCSI should be at the forefront of research and implementation of systems change

When it comes to FCSI as a Society of professional and forward-thinking individuals who are part of an organisation who care about how we influence the shape of our future foodservice and hospitality industry, we must learn how to capitalise-on the immediate and future system changes that we as business leaders must adopt so that we think differently and can tackle the climate crisis we all face.  Our business approach must not be linear or business as usual. We need to adopt our thinking to two basic principles (1) systems thinking, and (2) systems transformation.  FCSI members understanding and adoption of a series of sustainable systems initiatives in collaboration with FCSI Allied Members as leading foodservice equipment manufacturers, non-government organisation, academic institutions, food and beverage technology and waste industries and government agencies will benefit our companies, our clients’ assets and our planet – a win-win for all stakeholders.  Long term value creation is what FCSI members aspire to deliver, therefore, we as a Society of related industry sectors recognising and conforming to a ‘change for good’ sustainability commitment.

FCSI’s climate-aligned economy for all member sectors – MAS and Design Specialist must drive a systemised approach to genuine sustainability when it comes to research, policies, design, technology, materials, market forces, logistics etc.  This ‘change for good’, offers our members tremendous tangible and intangible business opportunities.  Members must position themselves to benefit from systems changes, responding proactively to create change will capture this new value.  Failure for our businesses to adapt sustainable systems could result in lost business opportunities, stranded assets and or even failed businesses.

FCSI Allied members are corporate leaders and innovators. They understand the need to develop a value chain for their products and services.  They also must ensure that that adopt a corporate strategy based upon key considerations affecting the new systems they will be used as a basis from which to develop their products and services to be environmentally sustainable. 

In summary, global sustainability and climate must not be ignored.  It is our Society’s responsibility to adopt and harness a positive and pro-active approach as FCSI members. We can best service our clients, businesses and communities with ever-evolving systems and processes that drive a ‘Change for Good’ that benefits us all and our shared-home, planet Earth.

FCSI Sustainability Mission Statement

“As a responsible global community of professional foodservice consultants, the Foodservice Consultants Society International (FCSI) acknowledges the urgency for sustainable practices in the hospitality industry. We recognize our integral responsibility to initiate knowledge-based dialogue with decision-makers in the industry to prioritize sustainability and to commit to reducing our collective environmental impact.”

Approved June 2023