Professional_TAD, FCSI The Americas

Rudy Miick, FCSI CMC

Founder, President, The Miick Companies, LLC - Boulder, CO
Management Advisory Services
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About Me

Consultant/Guide, Restaurateur, Provocateur, Author, Speaker –

We provide our clients Clarity – Performance – Profit
We work nationwide and internationally with equal success!

Education & Experience

BA Music Composition & Business Ft. Lewis College, Durango Co. MA: Human Resources & MA: Organizational Management; Antioch University Post Grad Cert: Organization Systems Design (Org Psych.) Gestalt Institute of Cleveland

Market Segments

  • Branded Concepts
  • Colleges and Universities
  • Cruise Liners
  • Family Restaurants
  • Fast Casual
  • Fast Food
  • Fine Dining
  • Government Services
  • Hotels/Motels
  • In Flight Catering
  • Museums/Performing Arts Venues
  • Resorts
  • Retail
  • Tourism

Areas of Expertise

  • Accounting & Financial Controls
  • Business Strategy
  • Concept Development
  • Contract Management
  • Food Safety & Hygiene
  • Franchising
  • Human Resources
  • Interior Design
  • ITT (Catering Business)
  • Litigation Support/Expert Witness
  • Management Recruitment & Development
  • Marketing & Promotion
  • Menu & Recipe Development
  • Operating Procedures & Systems
  • Operating Review
  • Quality Managment
  • Sustainability
  • Training