FCSI Europe Africa Middle East

Mr. Primoz Cernigoj, FCSI

Consultant Manager, PROprima d.o.o.
Food Facility Design
Management Advisory Services
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Market Segments

  • Airport Facilities
  • Amusement & Theme Parks
  • Armed Forces
  • Branded Concepts
  • Business & Industry/Food Services
  • Casinos
  • Clubs
  • Colleges and Universities
  • Cruise Liners
  • Fine Dining
  • Government Services
  • Hospitals/Healthcare
  • Hotels/Motels
  • In Flight Catering
  • Leisure Facilities
  • Primary & Secondary Schools
  • Residential Care
  • Resorts
  • Sports Arenas
  • Tourism
  • Transport

Areas of Expertise

  • Concept Development
  • Distribution & Procurement
  • Kitchen Design