FCSI Europe Africa Middle East

Mr. Michel PAUL

Manager, Europe Forces Consultants
Food Facility Design
FCSI / Find a Member / Mr. Michel PAUL

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About Me

Nos clients:
Collectivités territoriales,collèges et lycées ( région midi Pyrénées et Languedoc Roussillon)
Collectivités locales (mairie TOULOUSE-BORDEAUX-BLAGNACetc….)
Divers Hopitaux et EPHAD
Restaurants privés gastronomiques ou similaires

Education & Experience

Technicien maintenance HOBART de1971-1981
Technico-commercial HOBART de 1981-1984
Directeur commercial installateur revendeur régional 1984-1990
Création Europe Forces Consultants 1990.............

Market Segments

  • Business & Industry/Food Services
  • Clubs
  • Colleges and Universities
  • Correctional Facilities/Prisons
  • Family Restaurants
  • Fine Dining
  • Government Services
  • Hospitals/Healthcare
  • Hotels/Motels
  • Primary & Secondary Schools
  • Quick Service Restaurants
  • Residential Care
  • Sports Arenas
  • Supermarkets
  • Tourism

Areas of Expertise

  • Concept Development
  • Energy & Environment
  • Interior Design
  • Kitchen Design
  • Laundry Design
  • Operating Review
  • Sustainability