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Mr Michael Eyre

Jestic Ltd
FCSI / Find a Member / Mr Michael Eyre

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About Me

Jestic Foodservice Ltd has a wealth of knowledge within the catering industry supplying equipment to high street chains, retail sites and Michelin Star restaurants. At the end of 2011 Jestic Foodservice Ltd completed the acquisition of Servequip which increased our annualised turnover to £10m giving Jestic Foodservice Ltd a strong position within the food equipment industry.

Product Categories

  • Beverage Systems
  • Blast Chillers / Freezers
  • Broilers
  • electric
  • Food Holding Containers
  • Fryers and Fryer Filters
  • induction)
  • Ovens (deck/convection/combi/conveyor)
  • Ranges (gas
  • Refrigeration Systems
  • Refrigerators/Freezers (Reach-in
  • Under-counter Walk-in)