FCSI Europe Africa Middle East

Mr. Julian Edwards, FCSI Chair UK&I FIH CFSP

Director, GY5 Ltd
Food Facility Design
Management Advisory Services
FCSI / Find a Member / Mr. Julian Edwards, FCSI Chair UK&I FIH CFSP

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Education & Experience

Julian was a head chef at 17 in Swansea, South Wales. Following college and working in the hotel and licensed sector he moved to London where he had a career in contract catering. He has been an independent consultant since 1996. His experience spans health, education and business and industry catering. Julian is a Fellow of the Institute of Hospitality and a Certified Food Service Professional.

Market Segments

  • Armed Forces
  • Business & Industry/Food Services
  • Colleges and Universities
  • Correctional Facilities/Prisons
  • Government Services
  • Hospitals/Healthcare
  • Leisure Facilities
  • Museums/Performing Arts Venues
  • Primary & Secondary Schools
  • Residential Care

Areas of Expertise

  • Business Strategy
  • Concept Development
  • Contract Management
  • Dietary & Nutrition
  • Distribution & Procurement
  • Energy & Environment
  • Finance Raising/Corporate Finance
  • Food Safety & Hygiene
  • Food Service Merchandising
  • Interior Design
  • Kitchen Design
  • Litigation Support/Expert Witness
  • Management Recruitment & Development
  • Marketing & Promotion
  • Menu & Recipe Development
  • Operating Procedures & Systems
  • Operating Review
  • Quality Managment
  • Sustainability
  • Training