JohnManning Sr.
FCSI The Americas

Mr. John Manning Sr., FCSI

Consultant, John L Manning FCSI Foodservice Consultant
Food Facility Design
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About Me

John L. Manning began his career in food service consulting in 1958, after three years at the University of Houston where he majored in Architectural Engineering.
After returning to Philadelphia in 1958, he went to work as a Draftsman for Food Service Engineering Corp. During his 21 years with this firm he gained much valuable experience and rose to the position of Chief Engineer.
He supervised the drafting personnel, wrote specifications, designed facilities, made inspections, and coordinated with architects, owners and engineers. In 1979 he left this firm to establish his own consulting firm.
Mr. Manning was accepted into the Food Facilities Consultants Society (now F.C.S.I.) in 1968. He served for eight years as Treasurer, member of the Board of Governors and on the Executive Committee. Other committees served on included the Committee to select an Executive Director and the Merger Committee when the Food Facilities Consultants Society merged with the International Society of Food Service Consultants to form the F.C.S.I.
As a regular member of the Foodservice Consultants Society International since 1968, he has attended their semi-annual seminars. These seminars cover a wide range of subjects but mainly the latest and most current developments in the food service industry.

Market Segments

  • Business & Industry/Food Services
  • Clubs
  • Colleges and Universities
  • Family Restaurants
  • Fine Dining
  • Government Services
  • Hospitals/Healthcare
  • Hotels/Motels
  • Primary & Secondary Schools
  • Residential Care
  • Resorts

Areas of Expertise

  • Concept Development
  • Kitchen Design
  • Laundry Design
  • Litigation Support/Expert Witness