FCSI The Americas

Mr. Don Avalier, FCSI FMP

Principal, Avalier & Associates
Management Advisory Services
FCSI / Find a Member / Mr. Don Avalier, FCSI FMP

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Education & Experience

Educated at UCLA, Don has opened and operated more than seventy restaurants, nine hotels and six country clubs during his career. Recognized as an industry 'expert', Don also provides Expert Witness Support in foodservice related litigation. Don is a twelve year member of FCSI and a Foodservice Management Professional (FMP) accredited by the Educational Foundation of the National Restaurant Association. Avalier & Associates has provided Management Advisory Services to the foodservice industry for more than 18 years.

Market Segments

  • Business & Industry/Food Services
  • Casinos
  • Clubs
  • Cruise Liners
  • Family Restaurants
  • Fine Dining
  • Hospitals/Healthcare
  • Hotels/Motels
  • Quick Service Restaurants
  • Resorts

Areas of Expertise

  • Accounting & Financial Controls
  • Concept Development
  • Contract Management
  • Distribution & Procurement
  • Food Safety & Hygiene
  • Kitchen Design
  • Litigation Support/Expert Witness
  • Marketing & Promotion
  • Menu & Recipe Development
  • Operating Procedures & Systems
  • Operating Review
  • Quality Managment
  • Training