IndividualAllied_TAD, FCSI The Americas

Mr. David Kuelpman

President, KLH Marketing Inc.
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About Me

I am President of KLH Marketing Inc. a Manufacturing Rep group based in Anaheim, California. Our company focuses on heavy equipment in Southern California, Southern Nevada and Hawaii. Our 16,000 square foot head quarters includes a 1000 square foot test kitchen as well as a 8000 square foot warehouse for our distribution products. I am one of 5 owners of the company. My Foodservice career started with 8.5 years working for Traulsen Manufacturing Inc. I was Western Regional sales manager for them when I left in 1989 to start KLH Marketing Inc. I graduated with a B.S. in Marketing from the University of Illinois. I am a level 1 CFSP, a graduate of CPMR, as well as an associate member of FCSI. I was an officer in our local Mafsi chapter for 4 years and have served 3 years on the National board for MAFSI. I have been married for 20+ years to my wife (Laurie) and have 2 boys Michael (16) and Matthew (14)..