FCSI Asia Pacific

Mrs. Clara Pi, FFCSI MScRD

Principal Consultant/Director, FCG
Food Facility Design
Management Advisory Services
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About Me

HKU Adjunct Associate ProfessorTaught for HKU SPACE in the postgraduate Dietetics programme since 1997 Taught at HKU’s Master Degree program in Food Marketing.Awards:2005 Best Article Award by FCSI Consultant2008 Food Service Consultants Society International (FCSI) Service Award Recognized as“Leader in International Nutrition” on the “Dietitians as Leaders” web page. received HK SAR Chief Executive Community Service Award2013 Won HK Hospital Authority Outstanding Team Award – Healthcare FoodserviceBRBRBRBRBR

Education & Experience

BSC Food Science (Dietetics), MacDonald College of McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
MSC Human Nutrition, UNiversity of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Market Segments

  • Hospitals/Healthcare

Areas of Expertise

  • Dietary & Nutrition
  • Food Safety & Hygiene
  • Information Technology
  • Kitchen Design
  • Menu & Recipe Development
  • Operating Procedures & Systems
  • Operating Review
  • Quality Managment
  • Sustainability
  • Training