FCSI The Americas

Mr. Albert J. Zaralban, FCSI

Food Facility Design
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About Me

Mr. Albert Zaralban, FCSI, has been involved in food facilities planning for the past fifty years, and has been principal owner of this firm since 1968.

Mr. Zaralban is an active member of the Foodservice Consultants Society International. He has been responsible for the successful implementation of the broadest spectrum of projects, including facilities throughout the United States, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Mr. Zaralban is technically skilled in all areas of the food service industry. His experience includes programming, labor utilization, facilities design, preparation of contract documents and supervision of all phases of construction.

Throughout his food service consulting career, he has maintained long term professional and cordial relationships with our architectural clients, engineers and end users.

Summary of Qualifications
• Existing Facility Conditions Evaluation
• Project Master Planning
• Food & Life Safety Issues
• Facility Programming
• Layout & Space Utilization
• Design & Construction Documents
• Construction Administration