Wexiödisk – warewashers built with efficiency, consistency and reliability

Wexiödisk introduces pioneering Web Service Tool

Having recently launched in the UK following significant success in Scandinavia, Wexiödisk has already gained a reputation for ground-breaking levels of energy efficiency, innovative features and consistently high-quality results. Now, in a move to significantly reduce downtime and increase control for operators, Wexiödisk has introduced a pioneering Web Service Tool across much of its range.

The technology allows the unit to be connected via a wireless internet link to a dedicated page on the Wexiödisk website. From here, the operator is able to monitor and download a fully compatible HACCP report detailing individual wash and rinse tank temperatures for every cycle, as well as any faults that may have occurred.

The Web Service Tool also provides a significant advantage when servicing or repairing a machine. Using a dedicated IP address, engineers are able to identify any faults remotely via a number of predefined error codes, before ordering the necessary spare parts prior to arriving on site. An option to remotely override the fault, depending on the type of problem, allows the operator to continue to use the machine with limited access until resolved. Once on site, the engineer can be confident they have the adequate spare parts to hand, increasing the first-time fix results to almost 100%.

Simon Frost, UK Country Manager for Wexiödisk, explains the benefit to operators of this unique technology: “Warewashers are a key element to any professional kitchen and therefore reducing downtime and improving consistency is essential.

“The new Web Service Tool does just that. Operators can personally monitor the wash temperature for each individual cycle to help ensure consistent results are achieved each and every time. The technology also allows the engineer to remotely identify and override a fault (depending on its nature) meaning the  relevant parts can be ordered  prior to an engineer arriving on site. Not only does this give an almost 100% first time fix result but it also significantly reduces the downtime of the unit for the establishment.”

With the technology available on many of the leading models in the Wexiödisk range, caterers are able to immediately benefit from the advantages created by the Web Service Tool.

For further information on the Wexiödisk range or specific information on the Web Service Tool, please visit www.wexiodisk.com or call +44 79 685 583 89.

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