Smart solutions to conserve water in restaurants

Water leaks and unwanted water use cost US restaurants more than $1bn every year. That’s a lot of water and money down the drain

As sustainability becomes an increasingly important and prominent conversation, many operations are looking for ways to reduce their environmental impact. And water use is a critical part of that discussion.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), hospitality and foodservice establishments account for 15% of water used in commercial and institutional facilities. And within a restaurant, more than half — 52% — of water use is in the kitchen.

Because of the volume of water being used, even small changes can lead to a significant impact for facilities. Being water-efficient can decrease operating costs by 11% and lower energy and water use by 10-15%.

Promoting water conservation in the kitchen

Consultants can help create a water conservation-friendly kitchen by specifying low-flow products at the outset. Today’s well-designed products offer the ideal mix of functionality and sustainability.

Commonly needed products are available in high-performance, low-flow varieties, including pre-rinse spray valves and faucets. Engineering and design advancements ensure that T&S Brass low-flow pre-rinse spray valves pack the same cleaning punch as their water-hogging predecessors but without the waste.

Three-compartment sink faucets are an area where high-flow faucets are often installed but frequently not needed, particularly when sinks are filled through a chemical dispenser.

There are also opportunities to reconsider some standard choices to reduce water consumption, including dipperwell faucets and hand sinks.

Selecting a water-sipping 0.25 gpm dipperwell faucet from T&S can save a significant amount of water, particularly in establishments where the faucet runs continuously.

Hand sinks can contribute a surprising amount to water use, and even small adjustments to the standard products used can make a significant impact. Using a 1.0 gpm aerator instead of a 2.2 gpm can mean savings of more than 3,500 gallons per year in an average restaurant sink. Or take the advances a step further by choosing electronic sensor faucets for hand sinks. These can save up to a gallon of water per hand wash by running water only when needed.

Keeping up with conservation

Kitchens can also make water conservation a part of their standard operating procedure by monitoring and adjusting as they go.

T&S WaterWatch is a valuable tool in these efforts, allowing operators to monitor water consumption across fixtures and identify potential areas of overuse.

Designed specifically for complex foodservice needs, T&S WaterWatch can distinguish among fixtures and equipment such as faucets and pre-rinse units, ice machines, toilets and more to identify a dishwasher that’s consuming more water than it should, a leaky faucet that’s sending water down the drain all day long or a pre-rinse unit that’s been left to run while the worker tackles another task.

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Learn more about how innovative products from T&S Brass can help support water conservation and sustainability efforts at