What you think of Foodservice Consultant

James Rayment reports on the findings from the latest Foodservice Consultant reader survey


In order to gauge reader feedback, Foodservice Consultant conducted an extensive online survey between 15 November and 15 December 2014. A total of 210 people took part, an 11% increase on last year’s survey.

The results of the survey are hugely encouraging. We found that the average time spent reading Foodservice Consultant magazine is 35 minutes while the majority of readers share Foodservice Consultant with two or more people. We also found that 81% rate the overall design as “excellent “or “very good”, and 72% rate the editorial content of the magazine as “excellent” or “very good”.

Feedback for our online channels was also very positive. Well over half of those surveyed rated the Foodservice Consultant monthly email newsletter as “excellent” or “very good” and two thirds rated the Foodservice Consultant website in the same top categories. The Foodservice Consultant app has been downloaded by over a third of FCSI members, while over two thirds of overall users rated the app experience as “excellent” or “good”.

We were also delighted to hear that 77% of members consider Foodservice Consultant magazine a valuable part of their FCSI membership and that 68% agree that Foodservice Consultant magazine has given them a better understanding of FCSI’s services. Almost half of members agree that the magazine has encouraged them to use their FCSI membership more frequently.

Overall, we are delighted with the results from the survey. They are a testament to the hard work that has gone in to ensuring that Foodservice Consultant magazine continues to strengthen its position as the leading title in the industry. Nonetheless, we will continue to work hard to evolve, and we are constantly looking at ways in which we can develop the Foodservice Consultant portfolio. Your feedback from this survey will help to ensure that you as foodservice professionals are kept up to date with the things that matter.

Congratulations to Janel Rupp from FSTC who was randomly selected as the lucky winner of an iPad mini 3.

James Rayment