Welcome to our new website

A new year also brings a new website, as fcsi.org and foodserviceconsultant.org combine to make one, content-rich, online hub. Michael Jones walks you through the new site

A belated happy New Year to all our readers. As you can see, rather than spending the holiday period just imbibing and gorging ourselves as usual, we have been working on getting our New Year’s resolution in early this year: to improve our online content offering for you. So the website has undergone a bit of a facelift and, I’m delighted to say, is ready for launch.

Actually, it’s far more significant than just a cosmetic tidy up, as our digital boffins have completely overhauled the existing foodserviceconsultant.org website and merged it with FCSI’s own fcsi.org site. The result is one standalone site that is full of the news, profiles and insight you’d expect from Foodservice Consultant online, along with all of the useful and essential information FCSI members, and indeed prospective members, could previously find on the fcsi.org site.

“Our biggest short-term goal is the launch of our new website, something the membership has been requesting for many years,” says Bill Taunton FCSI, president of FCSI Worldwide. “It features a whole new design and will offer regularly updated articles and features.”

Jim Petersen FCSI, secretary-treasurer and past interim president of FCSI Worldwide agrees. “What was seen by many as somewhat dated, awkward and unglamorous will become a vibrant, exciting, valuable and user-friendly portal for members and potential members, clients and potential clients, media, the industry at large, even casual web-surfers across the globe to access information and content they need.”

The new site also includes the ‘Find a member’ search function so potential clients can easily identify and locate, anywhere in the world, the right FCSI member for their needs, whether that’s a professional consultant or a manufacturer member.

As before, FCSI members can log-in to the site to access their profiles and change their details or upload new information.

Please note that both the fcsi.org and foodserviceconsultant.org URLs will continue to work and point to the same site, but fcsi.org will appear as the domain name in your browser.

In essence the new website is a one-stop shop for all of your industry and FCSI membership needs, located in one place that’s easy to search and navigate. Hopefully you will agree that it looks rather nice too. But each web-user experience is a subjective thing, so please do let us know what you think about the new site, and how we might be able to improve it too. Please contact me at editorial@foodserviceconsultant.org with any comments.

Otherwise, enjoy the new site and here’s wishing you a happy, successful and prosperous 2016.


Image: The kitchen at Alinea, Chicago. Photograph by Christian Seel


Michael Jones