From the President: Eric Norman FCSI writes to Allied members

President of FCSI Worldwide, Eric Norman thanks Allied members for their continued and future support of the Society's portfolio

Firstly, on behalf of the board, my sincere thanks to all of you for supporting FCSI Worldwide and its divisions and local units through your membership. FCSI could not function effectively without its Allied members, and we absolutely value your partnership and participation.

Indeed, one of the key tenants of my presidency of FCSI Worldwide is to ensure that we are giving our Allied members fantastic value in return for the support that you give to the Society.

We know that engaging with Professional member consultants is important to you, which is why the newly re-launched Foodservice Consultant portfolio from FCSI Worldwide places all members – Professional and Allied – at the heart of its offering.

We hope you like the new format of the magazine as much as we do. The latest edition – published in Q1 2024 – is a little more compact than previous editions. This partly reflects the condensed schedule that the magazine was produced in as we transitioned media partners to our new agency partners, 1473 Media. Our ambition is to ensure that the magazine and digital channels continue to grow throughout the course of 2024. A bigger edition, and more regularly updated digital content, means more project stories, more member profiles and more trends and innovation content.

Showcase your excellence

We understand that Allied members are approached to contribute advertising dollars from several different sources within FCSI, but if you are not currently advertising your brand and new products in the Worldwide magazine, newsletter or website, I hope you will reconsider.

Us consultants need to keep informed about the latest equipment and services that your brands are bringing to market, so promoting them within the magazine or online is an excellent opportunity for us to see the benefits of your latest innovations. If we don’t know about your products, we can’t specify them in our projects. Advertising is therefore a great way to showcase your excellence. So, show us how you can provide great solutions for our clients.

Please do reach out to Stuart and Tatjana at 1473 Media so they can discuss the great value that advertising in the magazine and online, or partnering on digital initiatives such as sponsored roundtables, video profiles and podcasts can deliver for Allied members:

Once again, many thanks for your continued and future support of FCSI Worldwide. It is hugely appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Eric Norman FCSI, President, FCSI Worldwide