Quality and heritage: FCSI’s Made in the USA supplement

Mailed with the Q2 edition of FCSI's Foodservice Consultant, the supplement is a celebration of American foodservice equipment manufacturing excellence

In April 2019 the team at FCSI’s Foodservice Consultant are launching a special Made in the USA supplement that celebrates American foodservice equipment manufacturing excellence. The supplement will be published in both print and digital formats, the former being mailed with the Q2 2019 edition of Foodservice Consultant magazine.

Innovative products

A showcase of quality craftsmanship and American heritage, the supplement will feature insight from leading FCSI members and industry experts before presenting a series of case study stories from great American foodservice equipment brands on the subject of their innovative products and history of manufacturing in the USA.

Further details:

If you would like to contribute, or to place an advertisement or an advertorial case study in FCSI’s Made in the USA supplement, please contact Natasha Merkel: natasha.merkel@progressivecontent.com.