social media

Five tips to create the ideal online presence for your restaurant

This age of digitalization and social media has made it almost impossible to be seen or considered if you do…

Social media storm reveals risks to reputation

The London restaurant world was hit by controversy earlier this month when the chef of a popular restaurant was uncovered…

Picture perfect: get your restaurant Instagram-ready

Daylight is streaming in through the floor-to-ceiling windows of San Francisco champagne bar The Riddler, perfectly illuminating the white marble…

Facebook’s latest foray leaves food delivery rivals worried

On Friday 13 October Facebook, king of the social media world, announced the launch of its latest feature, which allows…

Blog: Bill Main FCSI on the most powerful form of advertising

As the world of technology continues to explode, some principles never change. As a consultant, my clients want ‘new’, ‘exciting’,…

Lessons for the foodservice industry from SXSW 2016

Each year, Austin Texas is taken over by an incredible festival known as South By South West (SXSW). I always…

Knowing your demographic

The better any business knows its customers, the better it can satisfy their needs – and an often overlooked way…

Digital Blonde: researching emotions and food

The world has changed a lot in the last 10 years, which has had a huge impact on business, culture…

How to halt the Loyalty “Dine and Dash”

If you’ve been in the restaurant business long enough, chances are you’re familiar with the term “dine and dash” or…