FCSI symposium

Q&A with Sam Richter, author of Take the Cold Out of Cold Calling

A keynote speaker at the FCSI The Americas 2019 Symposium, the founder and CEO of SBR Worldwide/Know More and author…

Negotiating the FBI way: Q&A with Chris Voss

What can FCSI members expect to learn from your symposium session ‘FBI negotiation secrets for breaking bad communication habits’?  If you…

Q&A with Kenneth W. Gronbach

Why do professionals in a variety of different sectors need to learn about demographic change? Why is this such an…

The 2015 FCSI Symposium: Collaboration, insight and lip-syncing contests

The 2015 FCSI Symposium was held in at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California, on 18 February, the day…