The foodservice industry may have slowed significantly – or indeed temporarily halted completely – in some quarters during the Covid-19 pandemic, but for some Allied members productivity has actually increased and new products have been brought forward in order to help clients – and of course consultants – to deal with the crisis.
Hear from The Middleby Corporation and Amerex Corporation below as they share their video messages about exciting new products and training programs for fellow FCSI members with the Foodservice Consultant team:
Further details:
If you are an FCSI Allied member and would like to update fellow FCSI members and the wider industry on how your company is tackling the Covid-19 situation, please contact Natasha Merkel, who can help you promote that message for as little as $100.
All we need is 90 seconds of video content. We will then ensure the video is sent to our 10,000+ newsletter subscribers and promote it via social channels and on the FCSI website, which boasts 10,000 unique users per month. It’s that simple.